
Elements of HTML


A blockquote element
An address element
	A pre element is block level 	
	and can contain inline content,
	but it is best for displaying
	wh  it  e- spa  ce and 	
	preserved text.

<h1>heading 1 </h1>

<h2>heading 2 </h2>

<h3>heading 3 </h3>

<h4>heading 4 </h4>

<h5>heading 5 </h5>
<h6>heading 6 </h6>
  1. <ol> Ordered list item </ol>

  2. list item
  3. list item
  4. list item
  5. list item

<dt>Definition term </dt>

<dd> Definition detail <dd>


A span can contain any number of inline elements.

An em element in a paragraph.

A strong element in a paragraph.

A wordsub element in a paragraph.

A wordsup element in a paragraph.

An abbr element (eg, USA) in a paragraph.

A kbd element in a paragraph.

A samp element in a paragraph.

A code element in a paragraph.

A var element in a paragraph.

A quote element in a paragraph.

alternate text An image is an inline element.

<caption>table caption </caption>
table header cell table header cell
table footer cell table footer cell
table header cell (th in tr) table cell (td in tr)
table header cell table cell
table header cell table cell
table header cell table cell
table header cell table cell
The legend element

Input button types

A checkbox group submits any number of values in an array
A radio group sends only one value to the server
text input group
Other Control Elements

Not only <input> elements are form controls